Holmes Is Missing

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Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

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“Best-selling author James Patterson populates his murder-mystery novels with cold-blooded killers and smart detectives” (USA Today). In Holmes is Missing, PI Brendan Holmes has committed the perfect crime—he’s made himself disappear. Success has come quickly to Holmes, Marple & Poe Investigations. The New York City agency led by three detectives—Brendan Holmes, “the brain,” Margaret Marple, “the eyes,” and Auguste Poe, the “muscle”—with famous names and mysterious pasts is one major case away from cementing its...Read More

Holmes Is Missing

Best eBook Deal

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

Book description

“Best-selling author James Patterson populates his murder-mystery novels with cold-blooded killers and smart detectives” (USA Today). In Holmes is Missing, PI Brendan Holmes has committed the perfect crime—he’s made himself disappear. Success has come quickly to Holmes, Marple & Poe Investigations. The New York City agency led by three detectives—Brendan Holmes, “the brain,” Margaret Marple, “the eyes,” and Auguste Poe, the “muscle”—with famous names and mysterious pasts is one major case away from cementing its...Read More
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