Upside Down

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Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

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Oscar-winning actress Ardith Law is a Hollywood icon. Radiant at sixty-two, she is the epitome of glamour and a highly respected artist. But her success has come at a she has a strained relationship with her daughter, Morgan, who at thirty-eight still blames Ardith for putting her career before being a mother. Morgan is a successful plastic surgeon in New York City?and the distance from Ardith?s Bel Air mansion is...Read More

Upside Down

Best eBook Deal

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

Book description

Oscar-winning actress Ardith Law is a Hollywood icon. Radiant at sixty-two, she is the epitome of glamour and a highly respected artist. But her success has come at a she has a strained relationship with her daughter, Morgan, who at thirty-eight still blames Ardith for putting her career before being a mother. Morgan is a successful plastic surgeon in New York City?and the distance from Ardith?s Bel Air mansion is...Read More
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