Practicing the Way

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?One of the most important books I have read in a decade . . . If we would all follow in this way, our lives would change and the world would change.??Jennie Allen, author of Get Out of Your Head and Find Your People We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. To live by what...Read More

Practicing the Way

Best eBook Deal

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

Book description

?One of the most important books I have read in a decade . . . If we would all follow in this way, our lives would change and the world would change.??Jennie Allen, author of Get Out of Your Head and Find Your People We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. To live by what...Read More
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